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Pakistan's newly elected parliament meets for the 1st time

© AAMIR QURESHI/AFP/Getty Images File photo of Pakistan Prime Minister and head of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI - Pakistan Movement for Justice) political party Imran Khan leaving Parliament after attending a session in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD — Pakistan's newly elected parliament has met for the first time since last month's general elections.

The lawmakers were sworn in at a brief ceremony in the house on Monday, after which they are to elect a parliament speaker and his deputy.

The National Assembly will also vote on the new prime minister, who will be sworn in on Aug. 18. Later on Monday, fireworks are to mark the eve of Pakistan's Independence Day.

Tahreek-e-Insaf, the party of Pakistan's cricket star turned politician Imran Khan, says it enjoys the backing of 180 lawmakers in the 342-seat assembly.

Khan needs 172 votes to be become prime minister.

Former President Asif Ali Zardari and head of the ex-ruling Pakistan Muslim League party, Shahbaz Sharif, are also at the ceremony.

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Pakistan's newly elected parliament meets for the 1st time

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